Teacher and Counselling Psychologist

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Rajula Maniyeri, a woman of multifaceted talents and a deep commitment to the well-being of others, embarked on a transformative journey from the realm of teaching to becoming a dedicated psychologist. Initially drawn to the field of education, Rajula spent her early years as a teacher, shaping young minds and fostering learning environments. However, her innate curiosity and a growing interest in the complexities of the human mind eventually led her to pursue a master's degree in psychology.

Making a significant career shift, Rajula delved into the world of psychology, driven by a sincere desire to contribute to the mental health and overall well-being of individuals. Her decision to pursue higher education in psychology was not merely a change in profession but a profound calling to understand and address the intricate aspects of the human psyche.

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Rajula Maniyeri is a remarkable psychologist who has seamlessly blended her background in physics with a profound passion for understanding and helping individuals in the realm of mental health. Born with an inquisitive mind, Rajula initially pursued a degree in physics, delving into the intricate world of particles and forces. However, her journey took an unexpected turn when she discovered a profound interest in the complexities of the human mind.
Realizing the importance of mental well-being and the need for compassionate professionals in the field of psychology, Rajula made a courageous decision to redirect her academic path. She earned a master’s program in psychology, and enrolled in master’s in counselling and family therapy driven by a sincere desire to contribute to the well-being of others.
Rajula’s unique combination of a physics background and a psychology degree equips her with a distinctive perspective on the human experience. She brings a scientific rigor to her approach, understanding the mind not only as a realm of emotions and thoughts but also as a complex system governed by various factors.
Her journey reflects a commitment to lifelong learning and a dedication to understanding the human condition from diverse angles. Rajula’s interdisciplinary background allows her to bridge the gap between the physical and psychological aspects of life, fostering a holistic understanding of mental health.
Rajula Maniyeri is not only equipped with the knowledge to comprehend the intricacies of the human mind but also possesses a genuine empathy that enables her to connect with people on a deeper level. Her unique perspective allows her to offer innovative and effective therapeutic interventions

As a psychologist, Rajula leverages her teaching background to bring a unique perspective to her practice. Her experiences in education have equipped her with effective communication skills, a deep understanding of human behaviour, and the ability to create supportive and nurturing environments for those seeking mental health assistance.
Rajula’s journey reflects a commitment to continuous learning and a genuine passion for making a positive impact on the lives of others. Her transition from teaching to psychology highlights the interconnectedness of these fields, emphasizing the importance of mental health in the overall development of individuals and communities.
In her role as a psychologist, Rajula Maniyeri combines her pedagogical skills with the insights gained through her psychology education. This blend allows her to not only offer therapeutic support but also to educate and empower individuals to navigate their mental health journeys.

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Professional areas of interest

Rajula Maniyeri


Rajula Maniyeri’s commitment to social responsibility and community welfare extends beyond her professional role as a psychologist. She has dedicated herself to making a meaningful impact on the lives of the underprivileged and tribal communities in Trivandrum. Through a series of awareness sessions and workshops, Rajula addresses pressing issues such as drug addiction and sexual abuse and various kinds of addiction and mental disorders , shedding light on these often-overlooked challenges.
In her efforts to combat drug addiction, Rajula conducts informative sessions that aim to educate individuals in underprivileged and tribal communities about the consequences of substance abuse. By raising awareness and providing essential information, she empowers community members to make informed decisions, fostering a sense of resilience and self-empowerment.
Simultaneously, Rajula addresses the sensitive topic of sexual abuse in her workshops, creating a safe and supportive space for discussion. These sessions likely focus on breaking the silence surrounding sexual abuse, offering guidance on seeking help, and promoting a culture of empathy and understanding within these communities.
Her approach is likely culturally sensitive, recognizing the unique challenges faced by these communities and tailoring her sessions to resonate with their specific needs. By actively engaging with the community, Rajula fosters trust and open communication, crucial elements in addressing sensitive topics like addiction and sexual abuse.
Through these awareness sessions and workshops, Rajula contributes to dismantling the stigma associated with these issues. By providing education and resources, she plays a vital role in prevention, early intervention, and support for those who may be affected.
Rajula Maniyeri’s dedication to creating positive change in the lives of the underprivileged and tribal communities of exemplifies the transformative impact that mental health professionals can have beyond their traditional roles. Her efforts serve as an inspiring model for community outreach and advocacy, illustrating the profound influence that awareness and education can have in fostering healthier, more resilient communities.



In a testament to her dedication and outstanding contributions to both social work and mental healthcare, Rajula Maniyeri was honoured with the prestigious Poovachal Khadar Award in 2023. This accolade recognizes her exceptional service and transformative impact on individuals and communities.
As a recipient of this esteemed award, Rajula Maniyeri serves as an inspiration to others in the field, showcasing the profound impact that can be achieved through a combination of expertise, empathy, and a genuine commitment to the welfare of society. Her story is a reminder that excellence in mental healthcare extends beyond individual therapy sessions to encompass a broader, community-centric approach.


Recognizing the importance of raising awareness and fostering open conversations about this sensitive topic, Rajula took the initiative to discuss issues related to sexual abuse on Doordarshan Malayalam channel.
By using a public platform like Doordarshan, Rajula aimed to reach a wider audience and initiate a dialogue that could break the silence surrounding sexual abuse. Her presentations likely included discussions on the prevalence of sexual abuse, its impact on survivors, and the importance of creating a supportive environment for those who have experienced such trauma.
Through these televised discussions, Rajula likely emphasized the need for education, awareness, and destigmatization to empower survivors and encourage a more compassionate and understanding community. By addressing the issue on a mainstream media channel, she likely played a crucial role in challenging societal norms and promoting a culture of empathy and support for survivors of sexual abuse.
Rajula’s efforts in discussing sexual abuse on Doordarshan Malayalam channel demonstrate her dedication to using various platforms to shed light on important social issues. By bringing these conversations into the public sphere, she contributes to breaking down taboos, dispelling myths, and fostering a more informed and empathetic society. This advocacy work aligns with her broader mission of promoting mental health and well-being at both individual and societal levels.


Ms Maniyeri’s workshops are renowned for their insightful content and interactive approach. Covering topics such as stress management, emotional intelligence, mental disorders and workplace well-being, she tailors her sessions to meet the unique needs of each organization. Her engaging style, coupled with a deep understanding of human behaviour, has made her a sought-after expert in the corporate and educational sectors.
Having earned advanced degrees in psychology and with years of practical experience, Rajula Maniyeri brings a wealth of theoretical knowledge combined with real-world applications to her workshops. Participants consistently praise her ability to translate complex psychological concepts into practical strategies that can be implemented in both personal and professional spheres.
Beyond her workshops, Rajula Maniyeri is also committed to promoting mental health awareness. She actively collaborates with organizations to create supportive environments that foster the psychological well-being of individuals. Her passion for making psychology accessible to a broader audience is reflected in her public speaking engagements and contributions to various publications.

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