Dispelling the Myth That Suicide Is Not a Mental Illness

Suicide is a painful and multifaceted topic that has an impact on people all around the world. Recently many reports of suicides in adolescents has been reported in Trivandrum due to unknown reasons. It is important to realize that suicide is not a mental health disease in and of itself, even if it is frequently linked to mental health problems. Rather, it is a dangerous consequence that may arise from a number of underlying causes, such as mental health issues.

Mental health conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression can greatly raise the risk of suicide thoughts and actions. A person’s attitude, thoughts, and behaviour can be affected by these diseases in ways that can result in feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and despair—elements that are strongly linked to suicide.

It is crucial to understand, nevertheless, that not every suicide victim has a mental illness that has been diagnosed. Suicidal behaviour can also be influenced by other variables, including painful life experiences, chronic pain, substance misuse, and social isolation. Because of the complicated interactions between these variables, it is difficult to foresee or stop suicide in any given situation.

Furthermore, it is overly simplified and excluding to attribute suicide exclusively to mental health conditions. Stigma can make people feel ashamed and alone, which can worsen suicide thoughts. It can also keep people from getting the mental health care they need.

It is crucial to adopt a comprehensive strategy that takes into account all of the variables that may influence suicidal behaviour in order to effectively combat suicide. Promoting mental health awareness, lowering stigma, granting access to mental health treatments, and addressing socio economic determinants of health like prejudice and poverty are all part of this strategy.

Understanding that suicide is a complicated result influenced by a number of circumstances rather than a mental health illness may help us design more effective measures to prevent suicide and support those who are experiencing suicidal thoughts and feelings.

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